• Reducing Depression
  • Relieving ​Anxiety
  • Managing Stress

This will be SURPISING to you, but I’ll say it gently so I hope you can hear it:

Enough time has passed with you struggling with feeling like you’re not good enough, or that you still have to achieve more in order to “be ok”. 

Enough of your life has gone by with you being limited by your intense fears, limitations, and symptoms. 

Enough restless nights and stressed-out mornings have happened after lying in bed worrying or over-thinking

Enough attempts have been made at covering up the dissatisfaction and stress of your life.

It’s time to throw in the towel of the effort, time, struggle, and suffering you’ve been battling, and finally dive into the deep pool of mental health recovery that can come from committing to your own healing in a critical way.

Do you want to
put an end to...

  • Feeling bad about yourself or not good enough
  • ​Feeling not worthy
  • ​Having no energy or motivation
  • ​Sleeping and eating poorly
  • ​Low confidence
  • Feeling paralyzed by anxiety 
  • ​Debilitating symptoms of depression (ie low motivation, can’t get out of bed to face the day, no energy, suicidal ideation, low confidence, etc)

What You Will Learn

Improve sleep quality 
and quantity
Establish a sustainable sleep 
and exercise routine
Learn the right nutritional choices for your mental health
Manage difficult 
thought patterns
Stop unhealthy reactions and improve relationships
Develop healthy and
strong boundaries
Reduce environmental toxins that affect your overall health
Cultivate long-term 
self compassion

What else have you tried to help you feel better? 

Have they really helped get to the root of the problem for you, 
or have they left you feeling like it’s your fault that you’re not better? 


You need individualized help! 
There are reasons why self-led self-help can fall short. 
You need a guide and a clear, tested path to follow.

“Dr. Chris really understands mental struggles. She combines a deep sense of empathy with a vast scientific knowledge to move beyond your current limits. From day one, I felt a deep sense of hope that I could follow her program and see great improvement.  Months later, the tools are helping me thrive.” -SF

Not wanting to commit to a program, or not being able to choose between options

I know it can feel scary to contemplate actually committing to a program like this- it might feel so much easier to keep it all inside and just keep holding it together. You can tack on a smile and say “just a little longer” and not draw attention to yourself, while still doing nothing to actually address the deepening well of stress, worry, and that awful, growing gut feeling that something is wrong. 

But burying the stress and doubt deeper only means it may come out or express itself in another more serious way later on. It may be easier to come up with a reason why you can’t or shouldn’t commit right now, but trading short-term uncertainty for long-term suffering is not the way to long-lasting inner peace. Having the bravery to face and improve the root causes in the here and now is what will grow a better present and a better future. Instead of suppressing what you are feeling it is better to express it in a safe container, held by a compassionate practitioner like Dr. Chris, ND.

Money: The cost of NOT taking care of your mental health, is far greater than the financial INVESTMENT you'll make in my program.

Sometimes it can be hard to invest money in something intangible and unmeasurable like satisfaction or relief from your mental health struggles. It’s hard to know how to value that, when we’re so good at judging and evaluating the value of almost everything else, including our time. 

But as the best poets have always said, the most valuable and precious things in life are not things. They are the feelings we experience as we go through life. The ability to connect, live life fully, and expand our own boundaries past the limited view we have of ourselves. To grow, to be happy and find joy on the inside.

This investment is a kick-start towards the most valuable changes that you could ever make in your life: freeing the limitations of fear, stress, worry, doubt, self-criticism, and anger. It is a relief from the most restricting shackles that keep you from the full, embodied and beautiful life that’s out there for you, one beyond the label of a diagnosis. 

This is information and guidance that you cannot find in a doctor’s office, nor on the internet, nor through any other means. This is tested, researched, vetted, and proven help for your unique problems, and that is worth much more than money. It’s worth your time, your energy, and your whole-hearted attention. 

I know these obstacles because I used to tell myself every single one of them as well.

I used to make excuses that I wasn't “bad enough" to get help, that I was still functioning (while my eye was twitching and my sleepless nights were driving me up the wall), I was fine, really. But, I wasn't. 

I was there, treading water, and sinking at the same time. Because all my stress was adding up, and it eventually came out in new, more unpredictable ways than ever before. 

I was also spending money on all the other efforts to get by without having to really turn
towards it. I was there, treading water, and sinking at the same time. Because all my stress was
adding up, and it eventually came out in new, more unpredictable ways than ever before. 

The earlier and stronger we invest in our health – now – the easier and gentler 
the process will be.

My Purpose...

I am on a mission to share and help others like you.

It is human nature to create as many OBSTACLES as we can, in order to avoid
taking the steps we need to FEEL BETTER.

I know this FIRST HAND because I am guilty of this too!


I was a master at putting on a happy face, even right before and after I attempted suicide. Yes, deep suffering can have a shiny mask that fools many, sometimes even fools ourselves into thinking everything is ok, that we can keep this up. This was the case for me. Despite being depressed for a decade, I pursued career and outward success while denying my growing feelings of low self-worth, unworthiness, and despair.

I pushed things so deep down that when I reached out for help I was met with blank stares of disbelief and when I was really struggling, I found police handcuffs, straitjackets, injections of antipsychotics and isolation in hospital rubber rooms. 

I was driven to the point of utter hopelessness with the denial of my suffering, both from myself due to the stigma of mental illness, and from the system’s inability to compassionately guide me towards wellness. I was met with rigidity, judgment, blame, and regret. Nowhere did I find a guide, someone who had experienced what I was dealing with and survived, and recovered. 

It is my wish, more than anything, to save you from that stress. The system failed me in my journey, and I have recovered my life and dedicated it to saving others from the same long road I traveled. I know that there are safer, uplifting, and reliable paths toward wellness that can steer clear of the deep desperation and despair that I felt. 

You can walk the path to mental wellness with me as your guide.

- Dr. Chris, ND

Imagine, easily achieving


Imagine a life beyond the labels of a diagnosis, and the labels we place on ourselves as: “not enough” or “not worthy”

Break through to life beyond the labels!


to your lighter, brighter and stronger future
without the burdens of...


It is possible to let years of our lives fly by in denial and ignoring what we really want. This is precious time we could be living and growing instead! I want you to break free and enjoy the benefits now - as early as you can - embrace who you are without the suffering, starting today.


I know all too well that even the best intentions to help oneself feel better can swallow up resources in endless consumerist self-care and unreliable treatments, trying one thing after another.  This program is tested, reliable, and proven to immediately start walking you towards your mental health goals so you can streamline your efforts and stop wasting money on unreliable solutions.


My heart breaks for every person that is trying so hard to get better, but not finding the right treatment for them. It’s devastating to be disappointed, and lose hope even more when these unguided treatments don’t have lasting effects. Save yourself the wasted time, effort and frustration that comes with half-answers and incomplete treatments. Start your journey here, today, with this complete program for mental wellness.

You are invited to embark on this 10-week journey to kick 
start the rest of your new life -
A new start with all the tools to achieve:


Wake up in the morning with the physical and psychological energy to LIVE YOUR LIFE vs going through the motions of your life You’ll be able to feel what motivation and inspiration feels like again - can you imagine that? Let peace and calm inform your decisions and the way you move through life.


Change your relationship with sleep and food entirely. Get rested with true deep sleep that is not disrupted by a restless mind, body, or spirit. Lean in to embracing nourishment and food with a new healthful spirit that leaves behind the stress of food and body image battles of the past.


Finally, Finally…
Tame that inner critic. The one that chatters away about how you’re not good enough, didn’t do enough or isn’t wanted, liked or loved. Can you imagine what you could do with your mind, your energy, your life without that criticism constantly wearing you down? Learn who you are without all that negative chatter. Finally!

10 Essential Steps Towards Better Mental Health

This program will build the solid framework for deep, sustainable healing, and guide you all the way to relief and wellness. 

In this 10-step program you are ushered through distinct stages of health foundation building, deepening of the healing, and creation of solid take-away skills that will serve you for a lifetime of wellness.

Each week delivers a video* diving into essential topics, guiding exercises, and inviting you to engage in personalized improvement during the week. These between-video exercises help to solidify the topic and help you practice in the real world - this is the key to long-lasting life-affirming benefits that create change. You will be asked to make real efforts in real life, all guided by tested, research-based steps. 



Improve your sleep quantity and quality. 


Get targeted nutritional info in The Essential Diet: Eating for Mental Health – a diet guide that answers the question “I don’t know what to eat?”, and includes shopping lists and recipes for a delicious mental health nutrition plan. Learn to support your body by providing the essential nutritional building blocks that you need to form key neurotransmitters and hormones involved in regulating your mood. Also, learn how to troubleshoot if you fall off the plan!


Break the cycle of being driven by your emotions - you will not be at their mercy anymore! 

Learn to respond instead of react


Build true long lasting self-compassion - none of this fake stuff!


Tame the inner critic with research-backed therapy hacks from multiple schools of therapy and teachers


Truly inform yourself about environmental contaminants and their impact on mental and physical well-being, and then learn how to
detoxify your body, home and mind!

Overcome obstacles that have plagued 
you for years...

Finally tackle the deep-rooted mind, body, and spirit obstacles that keep you feeling unworthy and like you won’t ever really feel better. Learn to tune into that inner voice of knowing, that is gently guiding you to a better place.

Start to step into the new you, beyond these obstacles and limitations. 

10 Essential Steps Towards Better Mental Health
And So Much More...

The Nuts and Bolts of Feeling Good

This first module explores a helpful overview of neurotransmitters, hormones and organs of detoxification. I want you to be empowered, and that starts with being informed. You will learn the nuts and bolts (and science) of what’s going on in the brain and the body, so you will have a deeper appreciation of all the treatments to follow. This is an important place to begin because I will teach you how to put your health back in your hands.
  • How food creates neurotransmitters and hormones & impacts your detoxification organs
  • ​How the body detoxifies things it doesn’t need
  • ​Why symptoms start showing up when these processes are impaired (and why it looks different for everyone)

Eating for Your Mental Health

Learn to eat without guilt, shame or blame. Take charge of what you eat by informing yourself about the science of food and how it impacts one’s mental health. This diet plan (complete with recipes, shoppings lists, nutritional analysis and guiding information) will set you off on a path to a healthier relationship with food that will lift your mood and support brain function, forming a foundation for the rest of the program.
  • ​How to shop at a grocery store for mental health
  • ​How to prepare meals and snacks with these guidelines in mind
  • ​How to handle impulsive cravings, urges, binges, and comfort eating
  • ​Learn to eat without guilt, shame or blame
  • ​Learn to listen to the needs of your body

Two Essential Keys / Movement and Rest

Get in the know about what kinds of exercise are the best for mood and brain health. Just as importantly, do these things to get better sleep. And better yet, get help with maintaining that routine! Because we all know that exercise and sleep are good for us, but we all need support and a helping hand in sticking to a routine and keeping it going strong.
  • Establish an exercise routine that works for you and is sustainable
  • Improve sleep quality and quantity
  • ​Troubleshoot the tough days when you fall out of routine (and get back on track, fast!)

Taming Your Thoughts

This module begins to dive into some of the most important content - how to manage one's thoughts. With these skills, you will learn to shift unhealthy thought patterns and build your own unique healthy thought patterns, free from the weight of criticism, fear, and shame. 
  • Identify and shift away from unhealthy thought patterns
  • ​Establish new supportive thoughts
  • ​Develop compassion and gentleness with yourself through this process

Breaking the Thought / Emotion Cycle

Building on the previous module, break free from the sticky reactivity that drives so much of your behaviours and choices. Learn to grow the mindful pause between how you feel and how you react - and begin to insert a thoughtful response and self-compassion that is in line with your values and your healthy self. 
  • Identify and reduce reactive moments
  • ​Loosen the grip that emotions have on you - you will not be at their mercy!
  • Blossom deeper, more satisfying emotions of contentment and satisfaction

"I always felt incomplete and inadequate after typical therapy sessions. There was always a thread of dependency built.  But when I reviewed Dr. Chris’ course, I could sense the years of research and hard work Dr. Chris put into it. Such a course could not have been created by a person who has not personally experienced mental health challenges.  This is the best investment one can make to take back control of one’s emotional and mental well-being. I am very grateful to Dr. Chris for designing this course which can impact so many lives.  This is the best investment one can make to take back control of one’s emotional and mental well-being. I am very grateful to Dr. Chris for designing this course which can impact so many lives." - AM

Setting Winning Boundaries

Now that you’ve begun working on emotions, this module explores how to continue that work in relationship with others. Often our boundaries are tested and pushed with work, family, or our own people-pleasing and perfectionism. Develop stronger, healthy boundaries to keep unwanted energy out and preserve your energy too.
  • Identify where your boundaries are often pushed or need to be strengthened
  • ​Attain real-world skills to build better boundaries, without guilt!
  • ​Learn how to talk about boundaries with others so they can support and help you in the process instead of feeling pushed away
  • ​Learn how to make your needs a priority, not at the expense of others
  • ​Watch your relationships flourish as you discover a life of greater peace, ease and contentment - in every area of your life

Life Without a Story Line

Building on the foundation of working with our thoughts and emotions, this session guides participants in learning to work with automatic reactions and behaviours that contribute to mental health concerns. Emotional avoidance through anger, denial, distraction, addiction, and other ways are discussed in terms of recognition and management. Participants are invited to learn what it would be like to live 
“life without a story line”.
  • ​Write a new story line for yourself
  • ​Identify and break strong self-limiting beliefs
  • ​Get Empowered!
  • See the patterns that have kept us stuck in the shadows and start to see the light of self-love

Setting Goals that Nurture You

In this module we start looking forward to sustaining the changes you’ve already made, and how to create new ones. Yes, here we start to create beautiful, big, boundless, and bold goals, and break them down into small, straightforward, and smart goals that take us towards the person we want to be. 
  • Dream big! Let your imagination fly
  • ​Create strategic, step-wise goals for achieving your mental health goals
  • ​Cultivate hopefulness and resilience for the inevitable slip-ups and disappointments that life can bring

Environmental Medicine

This is an important one - because as much as we can work on ourselves, we need to surround ourselves with a clean, healthy environment (physically, mentally and emotionally) as well as clean air, water, and food. Learn the science of how environmental toxins affect mental health and how to detoxify and live a clean life!
  • Identify toxins and reduce or eliminate your exposures
  • ​Support detoxification systems in the body
  • How to eat to support your organs of detoxification
  • ​Learn to identify relationships that may be toxic
  • ​Reinforce the boundaries from step six to extend to toxic relationships

The Bigger Picture

In this module we wrap everything up in practices for compassion, intuition, trust, and a renewed sense of spirit that will carry you forward. This is what will strengthen resilience and support long-term benefits from this program. 
  • Real self-compassion (that doesn’t feel fake!)
  • ​Deepen curiosity and openness to a deeper spiritual healing
  • Strengthen your resilience muscle


You’ll finish this program with a renewed sense of self, one that is armed with a whole palette of mindful skills, a deep self-compassion, wide knowledge, self-trust and inner knowing, as you step into a new life beyond your beliefs and labels.


I only plan to offer the LIVE IN PERSON version of the course once in 2021, and
the registration is closing on February 7th. 

Join me!

If you sign up for the LIVE GROUP COACHING OPTION (Tier 3) BEFORE February 7th 
you’ll get special bonuses.
  • Bonus 1: The Essential Diet: Eating for Mental Health
  • Bonus 2: Forgiveness Meditation
  • Bonus 3: Mindfulness Conversation with Eckhart Tolle
  • SPECIAL BONUSES: For people who register for the LIVE GROUP COACHING OPTION (Tier 3)   BEFORE Feb. 7th


The Essential Diet: Eating for Mental Health 
(Value: $27)

Food is such a loaded topic, especially if you struggle with your body image, an eating disorder or disordered eating. But did you know there are delicious, healthy, and simple recipes that will change how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally? This guide gives you recipes and recommendations for what to eat each day of the week — making it easy to eat in a way that supports your brain and body... and nourishes your soul.  (You’ll get the low-down on foods that increase serotonin and
how to avoid foods that make you feel sluggish and tired, plus so much more.)

Forgiveness Meditation 
(Value: $500 - but peace of mind is priceless)

If you have shame about your past behaviours, are holding onto a grudge or have someone has cut you out of their life or you can’t seem to release the past, this gentle guided meditation is made for you. 
One of the best ways to heal and move on to better days is to learn how to forgive yourself, as well as others. This meditation helps you rewire your brain so you experience immediate relief. Some people experience miracles or incredible shifts in relationships. Let the healing begin!

Mindfulness Conversation with Eckhart Tolle. 
(Value $500)

Did you know there is a simple, medication-free way to stop negative thinking, stress, and mental chatter… and feel a drastic transformation on the spot?

Eckhart Tolle is a world leader in spirituality (Oprah keeps his books by her bedside.) This recorded session will help you step outside hurtful patterns and feel calmer, less stressed, and stop your thoughts from getting the best of you.  You get instant access to these gifts as soon as you join. Plus, when you join Moving Beyond Coaching and pick the 10 week live coaching option with me, you’ll get 2 more bonus gifts to help you feel strong and resilient, like the person you’re meant to be...


Extra Group Call with Dr. Chris
(Value $500)

With over 30 years of lived and clinical experience with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and eating disorders, Dr. Chris, ND has an amazing wealth of knowledge to share. You won’t want to miss out on spending more time with her!

Win a free entry to the In Person Retreat
(Value $3000)

Entry to win a free ticket to the next in-person retreat with Dr. Chris, ND where we take a deeper dive into the concepts in the course. Many of you will want to go to the next level after completing the course. Retreat dates to be determined.

Whats Inside

There are 3 ways to participate:


(private calls)

(10 Group calls)

REG $3000


Online E-Course
3 Bonuses
REG $3600


Online E-Course
3 Bonuses
2 Private 45 min one on one calls 
with Dr. Chris, ND

Online E-Course
5 Bonuses
Live group coaching calls with Dr. Chris, ND: 10 sessions at 2pm MST Wednesday
Application forms will be emailed to you to confirm attendance
25 participants (possible 2nd pod added)


Can I Get Access To The Weekly Lectures
Without Participating In The Live Coaching
Yes! you can immediately access recorded
versions of the webinars. If you would like
additional guidance from Dr. Chris ND, you can
purchase 2 live 1:1 calls as a follow up to the
recorded lectures.
Please email, 
call the clinic at 587-521-3595,
or register above.
What Is Your Refund Policy?
I’ve poured years of experience and training into this course and it is my sincere wish (and excitement!) that you will find deep healing
as you move through the course. But I’m also realistic in realizing that not everyone is ready to commit to making the necessary changes required for such deep healing. If you feel that the course is poking you in tender places and asking big changes, I encourage you to stick with it, dig deep, and see that even if you can’t get everything out of the course right now, to get what you can, and maybe revisit the information in the future. If you truly don’t feel satisfied or feel that the course is not what you were expecting, you can request a refund within 3 weeks of purchasing the course. All refunds subject to a 15% administration fee based on the cost of your course.
What Is The Format Of This LIVE Health
Coaching Program?
Lecture units are taught through online webinars over 10 sequential weeks. There is a maximum of 25 participants. On average, each lesson is 75 minutes – with some weeks having a shorter lesson 35 minutes and the longest one is 1.5 hours.

To inquire about the start date of the next program, secure your spot, or if you have further questions, please email 
or call the clinic at 587-521-3595
Please complete the Coaching form sent to you upon receipt of payment.
What kind of Mental & Emotional Support Will I Receive During This Program?
While there are three ways to participate in this program:
1. Weekly recorded webinars, 
2. Weekly recorded webinars + 2 LIVE
calls with Dr. Chris, ND 
3. Weekly LIVE webinar calls with Dr.
Chris, ND)

The LIVE webinars offer the most support.

The participant numbers are limited in the LIVE group, which allows me to focus on each member without excluding anyone. The benefit of working with a group is that we all help each other to be accountable for following through on a journey to a more wholesome self. Hearing and engaging with others overcoming similar difficulties is integral to the journey of recovery. Regardless of your preferred option of participation in this webinar, everyone is invited to join our private Moving Beyond
Facebook Group that accompanies this program.
What are others saying?
I really want to thank you! I now have a freedom that I never thought I would experience. All the tension and negativity I had towards my extended family is all gone. I am free! There are no words for the freedom you have walked me through. Years of therapy to help me with my issues with my extended family and in just 7
weeks, you have given me a freedom I never thought possible. It really is the most amazing feeling on the planet. But it’s not just this
situation. I feel more free today than I ever have on a day to day basis. I feel hope that I really can kick mental illness in the ass. I just need to say THANK YOU! With much LOVE”


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